Das U-Blog by Prashanth
My Thoughts on Science, Technology, Freedom, and Stuff
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Book Review: "Noise" by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, and Cass Sunstein
I recently read the book Noise by Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, and Cass Sunstein. I will refer to it as the current book, because it wa...
Book Review: "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
I started reading the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman in early 2024. This was initially recommended to me by a friend, and ...
Third Laptop: Lenovo ThinkPad P14s
My previous laptop was an ASUS UX331UN, and I wrote a post when I got it 6 years ago reviewing it [ LINK ]. It served me well, so I figured ...
Some Dangers of Confusing "Changing One's Mind" with "Bayesian Updating"
Recent conversations with friends & colleagues about probability theory reminded me of conversations with a friend of mine in graduate s...
Disability, History, Wilderness, Natural Parks, and Urban Spaces (Part 2)
This post is a follow-up to a post [ LINK ] about an essay by the environmental history professor William Cronon, which in turn was about th...
Disability, History, Wilderness, Natural Parks, and Urban Spaces (Part 1)
Over the 3 years that I physically lived in California (as I worked remotely for UC Davis remotely from Maryland for 1 year before that), I ...
My time at TRB CATE 2024
Last month, I attended the TRB 2024 Conference on Advancing Transportation Equity (TRB CATE 2024). The conference, which was held in Baltimo...
Starting a Job at Cambridge Systematics
I am pleased to share that I have started a job at the transportation consulting company Cambridge Systematics as of 2 weeks ago, being base...
Reflection: Leaving UC Davis
This week is my last week as a postdoctoral researcher at the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS-Davis). I am glad that I was...
Finite Determinants of Linear Operators in Continuous Vector Spaces
Recently, I wondered whether it is possible for a linear operator in a continuous (infinite-dimensional) vector space to have a finite deter...
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